Friday, August 31, 2012


Politeness is a very good trait, or so my nursery school teacher told me. Politeness is what separates those who help you find the directions to the nearest K.F.C. and those who tell you you’re too fat to be eating at K.F.C. when you ask for directions. Politeness is the difference between a diplomat and a politician. However, politeness has been allowed to evolve into political correctness and things have pretty much gone downhill from there. Society has become so obsessed with “politeness” to the point that things do not even make sense anymore.
Take the case of crippled/disabled people. At what point did being crippled become such an evil it cannot even be mentioned in public? The word “crippled” generally refers to the inability to function fully and not just from being unable to use limbs, for example; …and the iceberg totally crippled the Titanic. Being crippled is not something to be ashamed about because it is not anyone’s fault unless you are a grown man like Li’l Wayne trying to skateboard with a bunch of teenagers and you break your spinal column in multiple places. Political correctness however has forced us to think of cripples not as that but as “special needs” people or “persons with disability.” The biggest tragedy is that these people have been bullshitted so much to the point that they have believed this crap. Disability is indeed inability; it is the inability to perform certain tasks. I am yet to see a blind man getting a driver’s license or a deaf man conducting an orchestra. No one is taking away from the fact that being crippled isn’t a death sentence but the truth is, it is a sentence barring you from performing certain tasks.
Political correctness isn’t just limited to this inability hogwash; it also dictates how we speak. Our language has become so soft we have perfected the art of turning bad things into good things, I suspect as a way to avoid dealing with the bad things. At what point did “poor people stop living in slums” and “economically disadvantaged people start occupying informal settlements?” At what point “getting fired by your employer” become “getting laid off to avoid redundancy?” This soft language is killing us. Smug well fed government types have invented a language that is only aimed at lying to us; oh, excuse my language, the government is “engaging in disinformation.” It is the reason they tell you the Maumau were freedom fighters. If fire fighters fight fire, what do freedom fighters fight? This phenomenon is getting so severe we might hear some rights group saying rape victims should now be called “unwilling sperm recipients.”
At what point did old people all die and get replaced with “senior citizens?” Old is old and every second you live you get old. What is so bad about being 90 years old? There is nothing to be ashamed about by living to be old. If you don’t like being old then kill yourself and do the entire world a favor live and enjoy the fact that you have seen a lot more that the youngsters you see on the street. Let us start being honest people, let us tell things as they are and let’s stop this politically correct bullshit. Think, it isn’t illegal yet.

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